A couple of years ago I placed here in the blog materials by M. Laidre about strength & composition of the Swedish troops in Livland in 1656-1660 (see here: summary about cavalry, summary about infantry, article about infantry in Russian & cavalry+artillery). Also I placed a data about Swedish garrisons in Poland in Spring of 1656 (link). Now it's time for a detailed account about Swedish troops in the Polish (Royal) Prussia in 1656-1660. The source is: Augusiewicz S. Skład i liczebność stałej armii w Prusach Książęcych w latach 1656-1660 // Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie, 2004 , Numer 1. S. 27-47 (link)
Summary about strength:
Swedish reitar troops in 1656-1660:
Swedish dragoons:
Swedish infantry
Summary about strength:
Swedish reitar troops in 1656-1660:
Swedish dragoons:
Swedish infantry
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