Below you can find a famous paint of the battle at Klushino on 24 June (4 July N.S.) of 1610 by Szymon Boguszowicz in a high resolution. Russians (Russian & Swedish troops) are at the right, Poles under S. Zolkiewski - at the left. The paint's size is 980x700 cm. Now it is in the Lvov Gallery of Arts.
Source is Руниверс
Of course it was 1610 as in title, not 1710 as in text ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьThere used to be high quality gallery of this painting on, sadly no longer there.
More than two years ago I wrote about it on my blog as well, commenting about how inaccurate is depiction of Swedes there:
You know, that GNW is my favorite, so I put 1700s everywhere ;)
ОтветитьУдалитьYou wrote in your blog that Swedes looks like the second half of XVII c. As far as I know Boguszowicz made the paint before 1620. He didn't present at Klushino but talked with eyewitnesses. And finally he presented the paint to the Court & Zolkiewski. So, I assume that it's very close to the reality. But Boguszowicz could use Imperial or German troops as a source.
Painting was finished many, many years later and not by Boguszowicz, around 50's or 60's as I recall. That's why You have mix of clothes and armour there.
ОтветитьУдалитьI didn't know about it. Most of sources usually mention that the author is Boguszowicz himself & he finished the work before 1620.