In May of 1703 a Russian raiding party under Ataman
Iwan Rukawitznikoff ravaged southern-eastern part of Swedish Livonia. It consisted
of several hundreds of Yaik Cossacks & Kalmyks on camels. Dorpat commandant Colonel
Skytte sent on 24 May of 1703 a detachment of 169 men under Major Freudenfelt
to destroy the Russian party. Freudenfelt attacked & successfully destroyed Russians
on the next day at Rappin. Swedes took the baggage, Kalmyk’s camels & Rukawitznikoff
himself. See official Swedish relation below.
На зеленом форуме тамошние эксперты, как обычно, что-то выискивают между строк каких-то сомнительных нарративных источников, вроде пересказов событий, о
которых «рассказал некто, кто узнал об этом в письме от имряка, а тот услышал
об этом событии в кабаке от мужика, который вероятно что-то знал». Между тем, о
бое 25 мая 1703 под Ряппиной мызой была опубликована шведская реляция (см текст
ниже), и есть упоминание в отписке Бухвостова. С русской стороны в бою
участвовал небольшая партия атамана Рукавишникова, состоявшая из нескольких
сотен яицких казаков и башкир. Выйдя в начале мая из Печор, они совершили небольшой
рейд по юго-восточной Лифляндии (совр. Латвия), и спокойно возвращались с
добычей. Им на перехват дерптский комендант Скютте послал 2 роты рейтар,
которые настигли и разгромили русских под Ряппиной мызой. «Доблестные калмыцкие
батыры», громившие «всех и вся» (если верить некоторым авторам…), несмотря на
численное превосходство ничем себя не проявили. Шведы отбили полон и добычу,
пленили самого Рукавишникова и захватили калмыцких верблюдов (последнее
поразило их больше всего).
Great, what kind of sources you found again - so nteresting!! I wonder how the calmucks looked like in this time.
I don't have any profound info about their attire & weapons. I assume that their were in their traditional national dress. Some were armed with bows, some could have firearms.
Удалитьso do you have any more info about the kalmyks? and when did they star joining the Cossacks?
УдалитьKalmyks were Russian vassals since 1608. They participated in the Russian campaigns after Tzar's request. Usually they were attached to Russian regular troops (in the same way as Cossacks). In Ingrermanland they acted since 1702
УдалитьThe relation only mentions one camel and in a way that suggest it was used for transporting the Colonel's belongings. Elsewhere it speaks of the enemy's horses.
ОтветитьУдалитьHello! I'm a Swedish guy who found your website and I find it extremly intresting. Since the Baltic scene of war i my favorite in the Great Northern War. Therefore I bought the book "Kampen mot övermakten" by Boris Grigorjev and Alexandr Bespalov. In this book it says that the battle of Rappin was won by the Russians and not the Swedes. Is that true? Because like I understood it your article above says the opposite.
ОтветитьУдалитьHello Gustav! There were several actions near Rappin in 1701-1703. Evidently Grigoriev & Bespalov mean the action on 15 September (new style) 1701, when Russians destroyed Swedish detachment under major Rosen. My post is about action in May of 1703.
УдалитьHello again and thanks a lot for the great answer! I have another question. What are your sources? From where do you get all this information. Since, as I see it, you bring up a lot of extremely interesting facts, that I see no books about the Great Northern War bring up. So again, where do you get all this information?
УдалитьAlso! I think you've uploaded a PDF about a minor battle outside Wismar 1716 I think about a failed Swedish assasult on the allied siege army. Is this corrrect? And if it is. Can you link it to me. Because I really want to read it since it was interesting but I've forgot where it is.
ОтветитьУдалитьHello Gustav. Thank you very much for your kind words about my blog. My sources are numerous on-line & off-line libraries & archives. For example Swedish Riksarkivet provides on-line access to many digitaled papers here:
Wismar 1716: My post about the siege is here (it's labeled 1715 campaign):
I also recommend you materials from Dan Schorr's site. You can find them here: