понедельник, 16 июня 2014 г.

Saxon Trabanten Garde troops in 1693

Der Riesensaal des Dresdener Schlosses bei der Verleihung des Hosenbandordens an Kurfürst Johann Georg IV. von Sachsen 1693
by Johann Mock
Trabanten der Leibgarde zu Ross, 1693 (a)
Kurfurst Johan Georg III, 1683 (b)
The paint by Johann Mock presents an award ceremony of the Order of the Garter to Kurfurst Johann Georg IV of Saxony in 1693. There were two corps of guards at that time in Saxony: Trabanten Leibgarde zu Fuss & Trabanten Leibgarde zu Ross. Both of them are presenting on the paint. Foot Guards are at the left door in red-blue. That time they numbered 26 men: 2 Rittmeisters & 24 Trabantens. They were divided into 2 parts/"changes" which held 9 posts inside the kurfurst's castle in Dresden (1-2 men per a post). Mounted Guards (in red with blue & gold - see illustration from Friedrich W. Die Uniformen der Kurfurstlich Sachsischen Armee 1683-1763) are at the right. They composed of 2 companies since April of 1693:

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